The concept of God Hand resonated with me because the concept of combining spirit, Heaven, with the material, Earth is the core of what I write about in my books. When I promoted Nice Guys and Players many people saw it as Nice Guys vs. Players. One commentator on a message board I used to frequent went as far as to write a long post saying how Nice Guys were superior to Players. The reality is he didn’t read my book and made an assumption just based on the title. The path I promote is that a man has to have the best qualities of both the Nice Guy and the Player in order to be optimally attractive to women. The more a man can strike a balance between these two polarities the more women will be drawn to him.
In past blogs I have talked about people having a social face and sexual face. I went further into the subject with my blog, Bimbos are Geniuses. In that blog I talked about two types of people in the population, Reverent Intelligentsians and Sensual Bohemians. Intelligentsians represent the spiritual side of attraction, Heaven. These are the people we connect with because of their intangible qualities such as their emotional dispositions. We all have met at least person that we click with because they have a good heart and compatible personalities. This a spiritual thing because spirit is not something we see but something we feel emotionally. The major issue with this is that someone that we may click with emotionally is not always the same person that turns us on physically. Here’s a great example. Over the years I’ve encountered hundreds of women who have complained about not being able to find a good man. I have found that when I questioned these women every single one has had at least ONE man who was a real good friend to them who they loved dearly. The only issue was that the man didn’t turn them on sexually. Many women would even say that their particular male friends would make a good mates and more than a few wished they could be physically attracted to their friends. A few may even marry their friends but the relationships run into problems because of a lack of physical passion. The bottom line though is that the mental attraction cannot be discounted. This is Heaven.
Then there are people who turn us on sexually. Despite what some Intelligentsians try to say two people HAVE to be physically attracted to one another. Most professional commentators focus on the spiritual side of relationships which is very important but is only one half of the equation. I remember one Intelligentsian commentator wrote that for a man to turn on a woman he needed to wash the dishes and help out with housework. As many men who have been friendzoned can attest to, that’s some bullshit. I can fill a book with stories of men who have done nice things for women only to hear the words, “I only see you as a friend.” Now the Bohemian commentator in giving advice will tell a man pack on some muscles, get a haircut and a good cologne. A woman would be told to avoid getting a belly and to get a dress that will make her butt look real good and to fix her hair. The Bohemian appeals to the opposite sex based on raw lust. This is Earth.
The Nice Guys and Players Philosophy is the path of balance. When someone is too Intelligentsian they don’t appeal physically to the opposite sex. They are seen as someone’s friend or even worse their brother or sister. When someone is too Bohemian they are seen physically enticing but that comes with its own set of problems. An example that come to mind was when I worked with this young woman who was Bohemian. She would always wear tight clothes that would cling to every inch of her voluptuous body. She often complained of men following her on the street and said that one time a man on the street offered her money to sleep with her. Now a problem was that her style of dress was affecting her ability to advance on the job. Fortunately for her an older supervisor took her to the side and spoke to her about her presentation. In the next few months the young lady toned down her style of dress and was able to advance on the job because once one got past her physical assets it turns out she was very intelligent and a hard worker. She advanced because she became more balanced.
In Champion Road Arena, the term “God Hand” meant having the power of God in one’s hand. This isn’t a supernatural or occult thing. Someone doesn’t acquire the ability to defy gravity or create out of thin air. I’m saying this because quite frankly some people take statements literally and not figuratively. For the ordinary man and woman the power of God in their hands means they can create life they want to live. Let me use a story as an example. This story based on women I have known and still know. I’m combining elements of each of their stories in order to get my point across.
There is a woman named Suzanne. She grew up in a poor and dysfunctional environment to a single mother who didn’t follow any religious path. As Suzanne became a teenager she developed a very sensual body which affected the men around her. Initially she was able to get favors from boys and older men as long she provided sex or allowed them to touch her. Eventually she would become a stripper who would provide extra services for the right price. Her major issue that she would spend the money she got almost fast as she got it so she was broke all the time. Her lifestyle was also beginning to grate on her. She was really just drifting along. She was a Sensual Bohemian and the thing with Bohemians is that they tend to lack direction. Suzanne’s life would get better.
Suzanne was introduced to a spiritual path which caused her to look at her life and behavior. By practicing the spiritual path she started to develop her character and developed more discipline. She also began losing interest in being a stripper. She became more Intelligentsian in her behavior. Now here’s where God Hand comes in. Though she became more spiritual the Bohemian side of her didn’t go away. It just came under the control of her will. So she still had the curves and though she dressed more conservatively, her clothing would still highlight her body and draw men to her. Instead of using men for her personal benefit she was able to help other people.
Suzanne was given the chance to be a host model for a party. She had found her true calling. Suzanne eventually became an event planner specializing in singles parties. She could always get men to come to her parties and because the men were there women would show up in droves. Suzanne was able to become a millionaire because she expanded from singles parties to expos, conferences and eventually movie and play production. She became a millionaire because she combined her Bohemian nature, Earth, with her Intelligentsian nature, Heaven, and thus create the life she wanted. Earth and Heaven in her hand, God Hand.
This isn’t something I’m making up. The above example is a composite is actual women I know. As far as men I made an interesting observation when dealing men who I classify as Mr. Goodbar: Every single one of them follow a definite spiritual path. When I say they follow a path I don’t mean they follow the dogma of a particular path. Many people can quote a holy book but their behavior contradicts their words. What I found is that the Goodbars will follow the behavior required by their paths. This is Christian Goodbar who follows Jesus’ greatest commandment of “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” This is the Muslim Goodbar who behaves in a peaceful calm manner. This is the Jewish Goodbar who is sincerely charitable. This is the IFA Goodbar who demonstrates what is called Iwa Pele or “Good Character.” Even the one Atheist Goodbar I have encountered behaved with a certain code towards others.
The reason Goodbars succeed with women is not their physical packages. Yes their looks attract women but as a Black Muslim once said to me, women are really attracted to the God in men. Many women can attest to meeting a man who they think is good looking. Then they talk to him and are turned off, or as one woman puts it "instant dryness." Indeed many good looking men are not Goodbars but rather Masked Men. Their mask is their looks. At a deeper level women are attracted to a man’s spiritual nature. In Nice Guys and Players I have a chapter called “Mental and Spiritual Development.” Interestingly enough in the fifteen years since the publication of my book I have never seen any commentary about that particular chapter.
Let me hit you with something deep. A man wants to plant a seed in a woman’s body but a woman wants to plant a seed in a man’s spirit. If you understand what I just said hit me up here.
Keep in mind that the men who attract the most women are always spiritual leaders. It’s not an accident that so many ministers, priests, shamans, and gurus have large followings and manage to sleep with lots of women. I’ll let that marinate.
So for a man to develop God Hand he needs to develop his Earthly vessel, his body, to its optimal level. This means working out to get the best body he can, staying as healthy as he can and learning how to enhance the appearance of that body through grooming and clothing. Mastering Earth is powerful in itself. The man also needs to develop his spiritual nature through a spiritual path he feels an affinity for or through a behavior code he develops through life experience. It is then that he masters Heaven. Combine them and he has the power of God in his hands. God Hand.