Now it would be easy to say that “Roger” was a made-up character I was using to sell my books. Naw. “Roger” is very real. That’s his picture at the top of this blog. His real name is Shophar. With his permission I’m revealing his true identity because after “doing the work” for thirteen years Shophar is ready to help men and women transform their lives as he has done his. He has just launched a website, I highly recommend his services. I honestly feel like a master who has watched his student grow into his own mastery. The student has become the teacher. I mean that literally. If I write some wack shit on my blog rest assured I get several texts right away. If it’s really wack I get a phone call. Thing is I trust his counsel and insights even when I don’t agree with them initially. The work he has done has earned him this right.
I remember when I first encountered Shophar. My book was recommended to him by one of my mentors, Master Yao Nyamekye Morris. Master Yao gave the brotha my number and when he called me he told me his story. Shophar was a legitimate Nice Guy. He wasn’t getting any panties. It was interesting listening to him because for a young man who described himself as painfully thin he had a deep ass voice. I thought I was talking to a Barry White clone. I would have been done if he said, “Sho you right.” I finally met him a few months later and saw a shy and skinny young man who didn’t have any game for getting the ladies. That was actually a good thing. Let me explain why.
I had a weird thing going on with my book, Nice Guys and Players. The men who enjoyed the book and got the most out of it were the men who needed the book the least. It was the players who agreed with everything I wrote because they knew the REAL game. Many of them said it confirmed what they had experienced in their own lives. Another group of men who got something out of the book were those who able to get women but maybe needed a little tweaking to get better women. Outside of those two groups the book didn’t do as well.
I got negative reviews from men who THOUGHT they had game. These were the types who got lucky every now and then with fat and ugly women. These were the thirsty men who would chase women, tell lies, and generally pester the hell out of women. Since they got lucky every few months they thought they had it going on. What I wrote went against their belief systems so they simply dismissed the whole thing. One man even said that I must not know how to get women. Honestly the haters made me laugh more than anything else. My biggest disappointment came from the Nice Guys.
It was the Nice Guys who I wrote the book for to begin with who rejected my books the hardest. I was doing one event where I was the featured author. It was men and women at the event. Some of the Nice Guys who were there who had read the book beforehand stood up and said my book was crap. The irony of that event was that while the Nice Guys were jumping on my case the women agreed with what I was saying. While the women were nodding their heads, the true players in the room, the Mr. Goodbars, were working the women. Several came up to me after the event to talk with me. A few would later on tell me their stories.
Getting back to Shophar, he was a definite Nice Guy but really he was a latent Goodbar. What Shophar did different from other men was that he humbled himself to learn. He would always say that he was hungry for knowledge. I didn’t have to argue with him about anything in my books. Not once did I have to convince him about anything. He read what I said in my books. He absorbed what I said in my books. He APPLIED what I said in my books. He DID THE WORK!!!
The main work Shophar did was physical. Many men search for the secret to getting women, particularly beautiful women. All of my books focus on TURNING ON A WOMAN SEXUALLY. The dating coaches, seduction gurus, and blog writers focus on the social aspect of dealing with women. They focus primarily on approaching and talking to women. That thing called “game.” Lip service is sometimes given to fitness. The key to turning on women is not talking to them. It’s not even having a handsome face. The key to turning on a woman is the BODY. Everything else is icing. Indeed, if a woman is turned on by a man’s body he doesn’t need game. All he needs is to do is pay attention. My books tell a man how to work off the arousal caused by his body. The key then is for a man to develop his optimal body.
Now Shophar is still slim but he has added muscle over the years and many women are attracted to a slim but muscular build. To be clear Shophar has studied under many masters and has done a lot of mental and spiritual work. The base though has always been his physical work. The nature of the man is to take action. The man is expected to lead, to protect, to provide, and to make love. A man cannot do these things if he has not developed his body. A woman is not going to follow a weak man. A man can’t protect a woman if he has no strength. He can’t provide if he is so out of shape he can’t work a regular job. He can’t make love if he doesn’t have the stamina to last more than a minute. The body of a man represents more than aesthetics to a woman. Subconsciously the woman is evaluating the man’s ability to lead, protect, provide, and make love. A man’s body communicates these things to a woman. To directly quote Shophar, “If you can't walk around with your shirt off and get some attention then you got some work to do.”
Trust me there’s a lot I can say about Shophar. One of the things I’m proud of is that he is now a business owner. A man having his own business is a part of my books nobody seems to talk about. A man having his own business works to give him confidence which in turn women find very sexy. Shophar is the icon of what I write about in my books. He lives in world where he controls his economic destiny and is filled with very beautiful women. This is the dream of many men. Check out his website, Support him as you have supported me. It started with me. Shophar has stepped up. Others will join us. Let’s rise and transform together.
I’ll end this with a video Shophar did a few years ago. To follow this path means to bring out all of your talents.