Now what is The Wolf? To know The Wolf, one has to understand the three levels of real sexual attraction. The first level is physical appearance. The foundation of sexually arousing a person is having a good body build. No amount of political correctness will change this. Different groups of people are trying to alter this reality but movements that came about in the last fifty years are not going to change millions of years of evolution. The only law nature adheres to is “survival of the fittest.” The second level is the ability to emotionally connect with another person. Two people physically attracted to each other go on a date but find they are incompatible. The potential of a relationship is not there. Most relationship advice focuses on the first two levels whether it’s the dating coach, therapist, or Tantra Master. Then there’s a third level which no one seems to talk about. The Wolf.
The third level of sexual attraction is primal. The body and mind are at best outer representations of an inner thing. That thing is energy. It is intangible. You can’t see it. A person can most certainly feel it even it’s on a subconscious level. In a woman it is the energy that draws a man to want to impregnate her. A woman’s egg does not leave the body to find a sperm. To reproduce a woman has to entice a man to her. This energy makes a woman passive and receptive. She is a juicy fruit on a tree. Subconsciously the energy is saying to the man, “come get this fruit.” In a man, it is the energy that moves a man to take ACTION to get the fruit. The primal masculine energy makes the man assertive and aggressive. The man will only reproduce if the sperm leaves his body and enters a woman’s body in search of the egg. Thus we have The Wolf.
The Wolf isn’t that suit and tie dude flashing his money and playing up his status. The Wolf isn’t that passive aggressive dude using some type of game to get with a woman. The Wolf isn’t about the money. The Wolf isn’t about talking. The Wolf is about energy. When a woman looks at The Wolf she will feel that energy. The Wolf doesn’t have to say a word. The very presentation of The Wolf says to the woman, “I will pick you up and slam against you the wall and bang the living shit out of you. You will scream at the top of your lungs in pure ecstasy as I take you to the highest levels of orgasm. You will feel the raw lust is that is aroused by the very sight, smell and touch of you. I will take that muthafucking pussy!” All this is communicated to a woman in mere seconds. A woman sees a man radiating this type of energy and she has three orgasms on the spot.
A man knows when another man has that energy because he will either feel scared and his muscles will tense to prepare him to fight. Many men who practice what they consider to be “game” try to “out Alpha” other men in their social groups. They will use verbal putdowns to impress the women. These men don’t have The Wolf. Men who have The Wolf don’t talk much when confronting or competing with other men. Most men do not fuck with The Wolf. It’s hard to adequately describe this energy because it is primal and older than human communication. It’s like charisma, you know it when you see it. You feel it.
The Wolf is highly suppressed in this society. Men don’t really do anything to bring out The Wolf. Men can get in trouble for merely looking at a woman with The Wolf energy which is simply raw lust. It’s not just sex. The Wolf is also a fighter but how much do men really fight with their hands now? Guns are for cowards. It doesn’t take courage or heart to fire a gun at someone. The Wolf fights with his hands. That’s raw aggression. Men watch TV to watch other men be men. The Wolf is a hunter. How many men truly hunt for their food and not just for sport? Many men are becoming like women energetically. Muscular men get so much attention not because they are muscular but because there is little competition. Men are physically looking soft. And they have the nerve to wonder why women ain’t giving them no pussy.
With the Wolf being so suppressed many men are turning to money and game to make up for what they lack inside. Yeah I said it. There are many men who have nice bodies, are handsome, and they have an above average economic status. Yet they have trouble getting women. These are Masked Men who lack The Wolf. Men who rely on game have it worse. They lie to themselves thinking they are winning but if a man has to use strategy, wordplay, and quite frankly deceptive tricks they don’t have The Wolf. The Wolf can walk down the street minding his own business and have women get wet just from looking and more importantly feeling him.
If a man has to use money, game, or even looks to get women he doesn’t have The Wolf.
Now there are some men who do have The Wolf. They are the Bad Boys and Thugs out there. To be clear not every Bad Boy has The Wolf. Many of these so-called Thugs are nothing but a type of Masked Man. Anybody can get a tattoo. There are doctors and lawyers with tattoos. It’s easy to take the appearance of a rebel. I’ve mentioned before on this blog that I did a seminar with true to the game Thugs. These were men with criminal records and The Wolf. Dangerous men. Not a single one had a tattoo. Indeed from appearances alone it looked like I was at a bible study.
Getting back to Bad Boys with The Wolf the thing to understand is that the very nature of the energy makes it hard for a man to conform. It’s takes a lot of will-power. Someone with The Wolf has hard time following society’s rules. Most of the laws and customs are tools used by the elite to control the movement of people. The Wolf isn’t a sheep. The Bad Boy is seen as such because he doesn’t follow the rules. When women are drawn to Bad Boys or Thugs they are really drawn to their energy. A store clerk with the same energy will draw just as many women as a Thug. Ask me how I know.
If someone really reads my books what I do is give someone the blueprint for unleashing The Wolf. Society needs men to be men. A man’s nature is to bring order out of chaos. To bring order a man needs to maximize his potential.
Do the work and unleash the beast.