Men are so beautiful. A fine man is like a morsel of well-prepared food – delicious and totally inviting. Men of any race, size and age are even more appealing depending upon personal style choices, and enhancements that make a man just right. A man’s personal style includes his clothing, his scent and choice of shoes, but can also include his vehicle, his walk and his personality. A large element of style is also his physique. Oh baby, you know the ones I mean, the well-groomed personal style, and clean-cut with a body to match! Watch out ladies, I’m heating up as I even speak the words! There is nothing more appealing to a woman than a man with a well-tailored personal style. From the initial point of contact of men with all of these elements in place, we find ourselves completely entranced by his appearance and style and we simply go gaa, gaa, and find ourselves considering ways to get him to notice us and we mean business, right ladies?
Male style and our attraction to it is actually an ancient ritual. In many ancient cultures, it was the woman who chose the men. Yes, it was the reverse of today’s modern courting style. Ancient women were in the position to choose and men just sat pretty and waited for a woman to make her choice. Men would dress their delicious, cut bodies with markings and jewels and dance the alluring warrior’s dance to attract a suitor in the village of women. This ceremony might happen a few times a year. During the dance and show of men, the women would come forward to choose their men. A chosen man would literally dance more vigorously even after hours of dancing to show his excitement for being chosen. Wow, do we not wish those days were back? Well, in a way this tradition still exists. Women today choose men based, first and foremost, on their sense of personal style. If anyone tries to deny this, they need a reality check.
From Change your Man, pages 193-94
There are two major takeaways from this passage other than something I always preach which is women choose the men. The first takeaway is that at no point did Kenya mention a man’s facial features. This is major because many, many men feel that that they are not handsome enough to attract women. This is not to say that women don’t like a handsome face but it’s not the only thing. Far from it. Yes looks matter to women but not so much as the face as it is the overall “look.” When women check out men they are not only looking at his face but his haircut, his grooming, his clothes, and especially his shoes. A man can probably get a good hug of off a nice pair of shoes alone. This leads to the second takeaway. A man may not be able to control his facial bone structure but everything else is within his control.
ANY man develop his own unique personal style. First of all any man can develop his body. He doesn’t even have to be super-muscular. Some women like slim dudes and many like thick dudes. Even height isn’t a bar as many women will deal with a short man if his STYLE is appealing. Women are more visually stimulated than is commonly believed. Any man can experiment with different haircuts until he sees which one gets attention from the ladies. He can experiment with facial hair. He can work with different types of clothes until he sees what works. He can even try different types of colognes. Women love to smell a man.
One would think that everything I’m writing is obvious but it’s not. I’ve lost count of how many times I have seen men looking like bums approach women and then got mad when they were rejected. Too many men think they can look any type of way and a woman will respond. For example the other day a lady friend told me that a “homeless” man approached her and made her feel uncomfortable because he was coming on very strong sexually. Now she didn’t know if he was actually homeless but she still made a judgement based on his appearance. Now her reaction might have been different if he had on a nice tailored suit, fresh haircut, and a nice cologne. She might have at least gave him her phone number.
Another example I think of is this guy I knew years ago. He had definite speech impediment and might have been on the autism spectrum. He worked as a janitor. Yet despite having trouble speaking clearly and having a low status job he had little trouble attracting women. They loved him because he not only was genuinely nice but dude’s style game was off the chains. His haircut was always fresh. His designer eye glass frames fit his face perfectly. His clothes were always so crisp you would think he was sleeping with the owner of a dry cleaners. On top of that his shoe game was wicked. This was his style just to empty trash cans. He took it to another level outside of work.
It’s funny that so many men try to study Pimps in order to figure out what to do with women. The same men don’t seem to realize that a MAJOR part of the Pimp game is their personal style. If a man is turning on a woman visually she becomes very receptive to whatever is coming out of his mouth.
This doesn’t have to be long one fellas. Work on that personal style. It has to be unique to who you are. It’s trial and error to develop one but in the end women will thank you.