The Real Game has never been men chasing or seducing women. The Real Game is women attracting and seducing the men they desire. The women are really the predators and men are the prey. In particular it is about getting the Select Men who typically have looks, money, and status. Now here’s the thing and I CHALLENGE someone to prove me wrong. How often do you see good-looking men with money approach women? Think about it now. It’s very rare a Select Man approaches a woman. Usually if they do the woman is on the higher scale of physical attractiveness. The women who complain about street harassment are really complaining because they are not being approached by Select Men. Let me get a little deep with you for a second.
Think about the terms I use in my work, Select and Non-Select. It’s not an issue of women choosing between men who approach and men who don’t approach. Women make the INITIAL choice. Women want who they want. What women do is let men know that they have been chosen in a non-verbal way. Women typically don’t approach men though this isn’t unprecedented. What women do is put themselves in the position to be approached by particular men. Let me provide a great example.
Years ago a friend of mine I’ll call Maryann told me the story of how she met her boyfriend. She was attending a university in Washington, DC. She lived in an apartment near the school. She started noticing a tall, handsome man who walked by her building the same time every day. She was good at reading people and she could tell he was her type not so much by his looks but because of how he dressed and groomed himself. She was only attracted to upper middle class men and dude walking by building fit the bill. After clocking him for a few weeks she put herself in his path. He said hi to her and she was receptive. They would go on a date later that week. Now dude may think he took the initiative by approaching her. No, she had chosen him weeks before he knew she existed. All she had to do was let him know that he had been chosen.
Quick tidbit about me. Most of what I know about getting women came from women. I’ve only received useful information about getting women from maybe three men. That’s why so many men are sexually frustrated because many don’t want to listen to women and the ones who do usually only get the politically correct information. The greatest skill a man can develop is being able to listen to a woman without judging her.
Just gave away some powerful game.
Anyway if one really pays attention what women say in different forums and in the media the whole game is to get the Select men. In my blogs I focus a lot on Mr. Goodbar. Mr. Goodbar doesn’t approach a lot of women. Indeed I know a man is seen as Mr. Goodbar when he complains about women texting him all the time or having women say hi to him on the street when he is not trying to be bothered. The typical Mr. Goodbar is lousy at approaching women because it’s not a skill he had to work on. Here’s another example which I might have used before but it illustrates my point.
I was at a natural hair care expo selling books. The way it was set up I had some women standing a few yards behind me. A definite Mr. Goodbar who had bought my book was walking by my table again. One of the women behind me saw the man and yelled out to him, “Hey I want to take you home.” The brotha walked over to the woman, took out his smart phone, and handed it to her and said, “Put your number in here.” She put her number in his phone, he took back the phone, sent her a text and just walked off. Very little was said, everything was understood. This wasn’t an ugly woman either. She was slightly above average looking with a brickhouse body.
In the media there are all sorts of advice to men about what they can do get women. Many men do exactly what is recommended and still find themselves in a state of involuntary celibacy. What’s not being said is that the advice given to men is intended for only 25 percent of the male population. Women want certain things from the Select Men. They could care less about Non-Select Men. The information isn’t for them. Let me share another example.
We’ve all seen memes such as “A Real Man Will Love All of a Woman” or “Real Men Love Curves.” The idea is to get men to feel attraction for a woman regardless of how overweight she is. I’ve seen many of these memes with a muscular man in a sexual embrace with an overweight, and in many cases, obese woman. The key thing is that it is ALWAYS a muscular man. I have NEVER seen one of these memes with a fat woman hugged up with a short man, a skinny man, a stocky man, or a fat man. The reason is that these memes are not directed at regular men. These memes are directed at pretty boys, musclemen, and handsome rich men.
That should show you the real game right there.
Many fat women are trying to shame Select Men into wanting them and yet these fat women reject the Non-Select Men who do want them. Plenty of men are sincerely attracted to overweight women. These men will love a woman regardless of her muffin top and cellulite. It’s not even a case of them settling. They will love all of a woman and yet I’ve personally witnessed obese women put the men who want them the most into the dreaded friend-zone. I’ve seen outright cruel rejections. The game of the fat woman is to use shame to get Mr. Goodbar. Others use money but that’s another blog.
A man instead of chasing women who have not chosen him is better served by working on his body and his finances. A man does this and he becomes the prize. Then the man has to recognize when he has been chosen. That’s the real game.