The Inferior Man represents the overwhelming majority of men. These men are the followers. They are the men who are comfortable living within the herd. They will embrace the social customs of the group without question. They will embrace the popular religions, political philosophies, and economic ideas prevalent in whatever society they reside. They will follow the fashion dictates of the general population. Most of these young boys wearing their pants off their butts are doing so because their peers are doing so. Most will never question the origin or wisdom of this practice. Some Inferior Men appear to be leaders but in reality all they are doing is following the path made earlier incarnations of the herd.
The Inferior Man not only follows forces outside of himself but he is also a slave to his lower nature. If he
filled with fear he will allow this fear to dictate his life decisions. If he is filled with lust he will allow this lust to dictate his actions. The Inferior Man is the man who allows his addictions to control his life. He is inferior because he has not developed the will to control his lower nature.
The Superior Man is the man who not only is above the common herd but has imposed his will on his lower nature. In my book Sexual Chemistry I said the following about the Superior Man:
The Real Man (Superior Man) is the man who has developed his will and is able to make the correct decision at the crossroads. The Real Man (Superior Man)is the one who has mastered the art of discipline. Outside forces cannotcontrol this man. This man does not take action based on emotion.
This man does not let his sex drive control him. He does not play games or wear a mask to hide his true face. He is not a passive bystander in the game of life. He is a hawk who soars above the crowd.
The Superior Man doesn’t follow the herd but creates his own path like the eagle. In indigenous African and Native American cultures boys would have to go through a rites of passage ritual in order to become
Superior Men. Such rituals are not a part of the machine culture of western society which is why there are so many Inferior Men walking around with their pants hanging off their butts. There are, however, a few small African-American subcultures in which the cultivation of Superior Men is practiced.
The Divine Man is the highest level of spiritual evolution. This is the man who has not only developed his will to control his lower nature but has awakened the higher levels of his being. The average human will go through life using at best five percent of their brains. By comparison the Divine Man will be able to tap
into as much as thirty percent of their brains. The Divine Man is also known as the holy man, god-man, or sage. All of the world’s religions were founded or based on the teachings of Divine Men. The more famous ones recorded in history were Imhotep, Moses, Krishna, Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tse, Okomfo Anokye, and
Medicine Black Elk. There have been thousands of others who have been with us and are still coming to this day. Many of the Divine Men living today are not in the public eye. The reason they are so low key is a blog for another day.
To become a Divine Man is something special, but to become a Superior Man should be the goal of every single man alive. A man must work every day to evolve into something greater. He must not be content to be an ordinary part of the herd. Society is crying out for more Superior Men. From the Superior Men the Divine Men will emerge.