When the term “freak” is used it is usually in reference to a sexually loose woman who is down for whatever. The thing is that the term can be applied to men as well. A Male Freak is simply a man with a high sex drive and low inhibitions about what he will do sexually. The Male Freak is someone who is very good at sex. These men are down for whatever with the women they are with whether in a monogamous relationship and in multiple concurrent relationships. Whatever their relationship status these men are the true rulers of the sexual underworld even more so than Mr. Goodbar. Now someone may ask a couple of questions about this. They thought Mr. Goodbar ran things. Not totally.
The Mr. Goodbars look good and draw the most public attention. Indeed many freaks are Mr. Goodbars but not all Mr. Goodbars are freaks. Mr. Goodbar isn’t necessarily better in bed than the average Nice Guy. What Mr. Goodbar does is just turn the woman on more to begin with. A woman gets hot more from seeing Mr. Goodbar and imagining what sex would be like with him. Actual sex with him may be mediocre. Many women are left high and dry (pun intended) after having sex with a man they initially thought was sexy. At the same time I’ve had women tell me they hooked up with a man they thought to be a Nice Guy and got turned out. That’s one reason you may see a drop dead gorgeous woman with an ugly man. Sometimes it’s money or status. Sometimes the ugly man had a 10-inch dick and thick tongue.
See the thing with many Male Freaks is that on the surface they don't look like players or successful men. He’s not the tall one with the square jaw, broad shoulders, and swagged out like crazy. He’s the one who’s average height and a little pudgy. He don’t make too much money. He goes against virtually every principle in the mainstream about what turns a woman on and the dating coaches and seduction gurus never talk about him. He doesn’t look like the popular image of an Alpha Male. Women know about him even though they don’t talk about it in mixed company unless they are around somebody like me. When women see a Male Freak or at least someone they think is a Male Freak they will say something to the effect of “He look like he can fuck.”
The thing is that even a nerdy Nice Guy can be a freak. I knew a cat one time I’ll call Trevor. Trevor was an interesting dude. The women in the social circle we were in pretty much friend zoned Trevor but he would try anyway. A couple of women called him ugly, he wasn’t athletic, and he stuttered terribly. I remember I was talking with him one time when he told me about a woman he hooked up with that was outside the circle. As he was telling me in graphic detail about his episode with woman I was thinking the women in our circle didn’t know what they were missing out on. Let’s just say that Trevor was very creative sexually.
I know a few men like this. If you see them in public they look like church going family men. I know a cat I’ll Matt. This man is extremely intellectual and can do lectures on religious matters and making a computer run better. He’s also straight up freak who, though he’s in his forties, routinely has passion marks on his neck from young girls. Another man I’ll call Kevin is a successful businessman in his fifties who looks corny when he’s not in a suit. He routinely bangs strippers and has a few women sponsor him by giving him money and buying clothes for him. Kevin will look at women and say things like, “she’ll be good in bed,” or “she doesn’t have good pussy.” This brings me to my next point.
Many dating coaches and seduction gurus are in the business of teaching men how to get sex. No matter how they frame it that’s what they are doing. Now many claim to have watched actual players, and lately pimps to gain their knowledge. There’s a problem with this which will explain why so many men feel scammed after sitting in expensive seminars. See many men, and some women, will consider a man a player if they see him talking to or dating a lot of women. A man who talks to or even dates many women isn’t necessarily getting a lot of sex. The reality is that some men have a lot of women who will speak to them and many women will go on a date with a man but not sleep with him. A game many women run is going on a nice date with a man, even giving him a good night kiss. The man goes home thinking he’ll get sex after more dates. When the women goes in the house she texts a Male Freak and he comes over later to pin her legs by her ears.
The issue with following pimps is that the pimp’s knowledge is really confined to getting a woman to have sex with other men and then bring the money back to him. Prostitutes have a very DIFFERENT mentality than the average square woman on the street. A pimp’s knowledge will help a man POSSIBLY get a hoe. It’s useless for getting the average woman. See the pimp is good at spotting a hoe. Even when a pimp turns out a woman he is only bringing her true nature to the surface. No pimp could turn out a square woman. Indeed a true pimp wouldn’t make the effort. To me personally it’s silly to apply pimp tactics to regular relationships. Men who try anyway come off as clowns. Plus as I said in a previous blog the books by and about pimps are only the tip of the iceberg.
The Male Freak, knows not only how to sexually satisfy women but how to truly sexually seduce women. They see what other people don’t see. I’ve known some drug users in my day. One in particular said something I will always remember. He said that he can go anywhere in the country and find the drugs. He explained that he knows what to look for and where to look. He said there were certain signals a person gives off when they are drug users. The Male Freak is the same way. They can see signs in a woman which gives indications of her sexual nature. They can see her sexual face. Once they see her face they can exploit it for their own purposes. This brings me to yet another point. Male Freaks aren’t as picky as the average man.
Most men, especially men who sit in dating seminars are concerned with getting the most physically attractive women. Men aren’t paying several thousand dollars to get the average woman. Men want the Nine and the Tens. The thing though is that the overwhelming majority of women are not Nines and Tens. Indeed most Nines and Tens drop to Sixes and Sevens without the makeup, pushup bras, and tight clothing. Many average women out there are horny. So at the club while the majority of the men are scheming to get at the most attractive women, the Male Freak is dancing with the slightly pudgy Plain Jane. Most of the men will leave the club with nothing, the Male Freak will leave with several numbers including one from the same attractive woman all the other man wanted.
Very attractive women want good sex and will look at a man and think, “I bet he can fuck.”
The Male Freak is open for women period. He will have sex with the slim petite woman on Monday and the BBW on Wednesday. Now many men will not want the BBW and that’s cool. The very nature of the Male Freak is that he is turned on easily by most women. A reality is that the overwhelming majority of men are sexually repressed. The Male Freak is simply not repressed. When a man is turned on like that he starts to develop ways to fulfill that sexual need. He figures out which women are likely to have sex with him and what he needs to do to make that happen. He takes an effort to satisfy women so he can keep his needs fulfilled.
Now someone may ask why I write about Male Freaks. I find them fascinating. If you think about it billions of dollars are spent by men globally for the express purpose of getting sex. This is through dating, seminars on how to get sex, or simply paying for prostitutes. Yet there is a small population of men who get sex easily without spending a dime. Many even get paid as Gigolos and male Strippers are basically Male Freaks. Now let me give you a powerful secret which I never shared. I have said that my books represent the viewpoint of a Mr. Goodbar. They do but a certain type of Goodbar. I learned much of the sex game from women, mainly freaks and hoes. The useful stuff I learned from men came from Male Freaks.
Oh and once again I gave a major technique for getting sex from a woman. Hit up my contact form here if you think you know what it is. I never said I didn’t know game I just said I wouldn’t teach it but sometimes I can’t help but share some things while getting a point out.