Spiraling, very simply, is evolving. A man must constantly look to improve himself spiritually, mentally, and physically. A man must constantly strive to bring forth the god within. He must constantly work to expand his knowledge. He must work to develop his physical body.
One issue I’m seeing with the overwhelming majority of men is that they are content with
wherever they are in life. They accept their lives. Now some may say that this is okay. I say it’s some bull. All people always want more at a deep level. They may lie to themselves and pretend like their crappy job is okay and the car with no air-conditioning is cool. They may act like they are cool with a mate who treats them like crap. At some point though reality smacks them in the face and they will go into a deep depression because the weight of dissatisfaction becomes too much for them to bear. They don’t know what to do.
A man must keep moving forward. If he doesn’t like his job he must not just look for another one but must acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to move forward. Once he improves his economic position he can improve his material position. With a better job he can fix the car or get a better one. He can get a nicer home. He can move forward to take care of his physical needs.
Many men don’t like their relationship circumstances. Spiraling is very important in this situation. If a man is constantly dating subpar women with attitudes he must not blame the women but ask himself several questions. First, he must ask himself what is within him that attracts subpar women. Then he must address the issues in order to attract a better class of woman. Most importantly he must learn from each relationship experience in order to grow. There’s nothing wrong with dating a six, but if a man is spiraling at some point he should be dating nines and then marrying what he considers to be ten.
The bottom line is that a man must strive to improve himself. In relationships women look for men who are going forward. They look for men who are going somewhere. A man must have in his spirit the desire to move forward.
A man must always strive to rise and transform.